The war in our heavenly (real) realm was waged outside of earth construct … CHRISTINE









The more we tune in to home, the more these messages posted on YRFT will resonate. My talking point here is that EVE & ONE must have taken careful consideration and time when they co-created humans (EVE constructing her EDEN / EARTH construct/paradise reality) to fit perfectly with (ONE’s sealed children in their human body vehicles) and together (outside of this server in our real world) watched over and cared for us while we were having our physical lifetime experience on earth (our memories of this have been wiped by ef’s). The war in our heavenly (real) realm was waged outside of earth construct and as dastardly pirates are want to do, the ef’s pulled us into their server so that they could set up ALL THE HORROR that we experience today. The ef’s could not infiltrate EVE’s eden earth construct unless they pulled us into their territory (server). That is why there are so many layers of veils to remove and why we are made to wait.

EVE has had to wade through her own rivers of shit & blood & pollution and shake the very firmament of her own construct to keep her children safe. ONE has taken the offensive position on the outside of set’s server and has been blasting his way in with the help of AF’s who want to ensure that what happened to ONE & EVE’s prodigy & construct design does not happen ever again anywhere or anytime. I am sure all of the ef’s tricks to get around THE LAW OF ONE and UNIVERSAL LAW (not sure what the supreme law(s) of the prime/source creator of ONE & EVE is/are called). To me, it is now clear that it does not matter if we volunteered to infiltrate enemy territory and allow ourselves to be forced to incarnate into these heavily damaged bodies or were just trapped here.

We exist at this time in this place to hold energy frequency of our higher souls/self/sub conscious in these bodies. The high-pitched frequency that you hear is not really audible, but it serves a purpose to help clear parasites, nanobots, disrupt lower frequency weapons and impulses from the reptilian brain that we have to deal with daily.

Awake or asleep, ONE & EVE’s children are laying mortally wounded on the battlefield inside of set’s server. We are in pain and suffer only bcz ef’s want it that way. The more we band together the more pain & tortures of this hijacked construct is inflicted on us & EVE (she feels the pain & suffers with her children and creations). If we can do nothing else, we can EMBRACE THE EEK, whether you “hear” it or not. ALLOW THE RESONANCE OF THE LAW OF ONE bcz is our constitution, our right to freedom, our right to effortless abundance and to exist where our hearts are not ruled but are ETERNALLY FREE TO LOVE ETERNALLY. Here is snap of how I feel about knowing I am more than the sum of my components in this server.

