YELLOW ROSE FOR TEXAS UPDATE : if Nibiru is a real vah, it is driven, has a pilot.






Latest from Rose … +Freeland .Spirit it is a vah. We were talking about it a few nights ago.
We thought, because it was on the other side of the net, that it might be an Allie on the outside of the net, basically. This was because the second earth had already been hit several times, and had descended its pole and went past us and was by Mercury…weeks ago.
There was a third option. And, like the escorts and pincer weapons, we were told shhh it.
BTW, I did hear about nibiru the other day. The ef got busted for using the giff (graphics) to do ‘nibiru’ again. I think, that it might be the graphics on the hologram net they’re speaking of. Not so much that “nibiru” is “just graphics”. Which ever is the case, if Nibiru is a real vah, it is driven, has a pilot. It wouldn’t cross till after the leap. It was for their people (in support of their ‘myth system’), not us. I’ve really heard, over and over for some time now…that because its theirs..and they want it…we are not letting them have it. Its our end skit they’ll get, not theirs..

