


Earth Wobble,

Planet X

and Earth’s Extreme Weather.

Michael There is some weird things going on in the tail of our magnetosphere. Plasma is building up in the tail and it’s like there’s a force from behind

Trish ….850 galaxies were found under the southern spiral arm of our galaxy. Almost directly below us. Being as they are newly born they are hyper energetic and pulling matter as magnetic and gravity related to themselves. This is what’s pulling and slightly tilting us. I believe the lowered magnetic field has significantly decreased the attraction that might very been. It is of course pulling other receptive bodies, 4 systems I know for sure, along with us. They are the highly magnetic force behind..


Samuel … in the age of the 13th Batune ( Maya calender.) we Travel up ward .. from The lower ecliptic plane of the Universe ….to the upper / higher region’s….
during this faze we move from the weak wave area of the Magnetosphere of the Galactic Plain and travel upward into the strong wave areas of its Magnetosphere…. this change in location is beieved to reverse poles and electrical Node’s polarity’s…
alomost like a toilet flushed in the northern hemisphere’.. the water spins vortexually in one way.. and the opposit in the southern hemisphere,,,, this transition into the Strong wave has many wondering how this strong effective reigion will play out for EARTH..and its atmosphereic conditions and much more…
I believe we will have a natural level of atmospheric protection but will see increased activity.. in electrical peramiters and roadio active decay Ratio’s…


Published on 28 Jan 2016 … In this video, I explain how Earth responds to the magnetic presence of Planet X and how that influence creates Earth’s current constantly changing rotational posture, which is a leaning back and forth in relation to the Sun and Planet X.


