M MOTHER UPDATE : I was sent here to this planet to free pure Source energy






That is why they have been unsuccessful here. They denied the use of Source

The “three” lack Source energy.

Who are the three

Anu, ENLIL, Enki

I’ve had no brainwashing at all. In fact, no contact with humans growing up
I’m sick of being judged. I do not condemn. I only love.
I was sent here to this planet to free pure Source energy. Whomever has this energy and who does not is not mine to see

Tell us who you are

Who am I? I am no one.

Tell us a bit about yourself so we can understand more

I will start before birth What I remember
I was urgently called to this prison planet earth by the earth’s council with the main goal of freeing DNA.
Earth had hit energy crisis levels
I was not excited to incarnate here in human form. Earth is a prison planet cut off from Source energy. Communication is slow. When I envisioned earth, I thought of mud, with very little light transfer. Hard to breathe, slow thinking, sluggish heavy movements.

I flew down to visit my family and my home prior to birth. I watched my family interact and I knew the family circumstances in which I would enter. I remember seeing the area from high in the sky as I flew down into the house.

“I don’t want to be with that woman, again,” I told Sophia, arriving again in front of the earth council. I disliked her and Sophia insisted she was the only option I had for a mother. Sophia ensured me the years would go quickly and that I could move out when I was 18 years old. Sophia had a way with explanations. I rolled my eyes as I reread thoroughly and signed my contract.

I was escorted to a very small pitch black room. Sophia gave me a hug and ensured me everything would go well. I was locked in the room as Sophia closed the door behind her. I woke up, swimming in the aforementioned woman’s womb. This woman was loud and her voice reverberated through the amniotic fluid, but the warmth was comforting and the feeling of gliding through the water was fantastic.


