Magnetic Field Disconnect Event Data Confirmed






Remember that’s why the space time continuum was fixed I mentioned

So that when earth went down it wouldn’t collapse anything else

Source was there when this happened.

Fractal art by that crazee artist
And that crazee female scientiste
Flying in space with Source
OMMM sweet OMMM.



Magnetic Field

Disconnect Event Data Confirmed

Published on 1 Jun 2016

“Magnetopshere reversal data” confirmed! ISWA data was correct…was a disconnect-reconnect event from April 23, 2016. NASA releases video animation of a disconnect-reconnect event showing a backwards flow of electrons as the ISWA data displayed on April 23, 2016.





The day earth


From the Universe 


Published on 27 Apr 2016

What happened to earth on April 23, 2016 at 05:37:05 was a disconnect-reconnect event and why was the data deleted that revealed this rare event? Once again being removed from the public domain? Happened previously in 2012, that data also removed…


