MICHELLE A – RICHARD X : Special pillars that are opening the portals with their song






The pillars have been confirmed … thank you to male relative and you for adding further and confirming with such vivid detail.

This is part of the pole flips happening now … ive been sorting out the two poles … PILLARS … also at ASGARD and the tree i cut there … going into the concentric circles.

Sophia’s waters I broke and the pillars appeared … so we are on track.

FYI …Ive plugged M in now … just waiting for the flash … she is north pole … I am south pole as I understand it
Male Relative was traveling last night.
He went to the Arctic.  There, he saw an Ice Pillar.  It was about 15 feet tall, illuminated and singing an etheric song with a single voice.  It was a beautiful song sung with a throaty “ahhh” in a light female voice.  It sounded like what we think of as angel song.  He went up to the ice pillar and felt like he should touch it, so he did.  At first, it felt like he has thousands of lights inside.  Then he heard many more voices joining the ice pillar in the song.    After a bit, he removed his hand from the ice pillar and the song returned to a single strong female voice.  He looked up and saw an open portal over the ice pillar.

He was called to a different place.  This time the Antarctic.  There was another 15-foot-tall ice pillar that looked just like the other.  This one sang the same song but in a deep male voice.  He approached this ice pillar but instead of touching it a Guardian approached.  He had very pale white skin and wore a hooded cloak that looked like ice.  It made the man mostly invisible where it covered.  He was wearing bright white clothing and a ring on his right hand made of ice with a pink rose design in the center.

He asked Male Relative, “Are you dead or alive?”  He answered, “Astral.”   The Guardian said, “Alive.”  Male Relative asked, “What are these ice pillars?”  The answer was, “Special pillars that are opening the portals with their song.”  Male Relative told the Guardian he needed to get home.  The Guardian said, “If you head down here,” he pointed and made a crack in the ice.  The crack turned into a hole in the ice with water under it, “you will swim and get back to your body”.

Male Relative said, “Wait….so what is your job with these pillars?’  He answered, “My job is just to protect the ice pillars.  I am an Ice Guardian.”  Before anything further could be said, the Ice Guardian said, “Good luck Balance” and vanished.  Male Relative said he fell into the water and swam until he woke up.


