





Lauda:  They were looking for people of the original blood, of the original spark, which are fire based, and this is really important because that is the blood type that can transmute everything.



George:  Times are going to get challenging.  I know people don’t want to hear the aspects which involve the dissolution of what we have always grown up with and know.   However, there’s going to be a great undoing…and this is all part of the dissolution and the purification.

Lauda:  Which comes by fire in the macro and micro  –  at 1:05:39 – …when I was questioning my coming here as a female physicailty, short and small, he said do you think I make mistakes……….and I was also told that I had to survive my upbringing and the things that were happening to me …… survive to this point of hands off  (at 39 yrs old, she said earlier on ) …… I had to be put in this specific family because of the bloodlines in origin of the original royal dynasties here both sides maternal and paternal sides…

George:   Cause everything has to do with the law.

Lauda:   Right, and the law has to do with your physicality……the moment you incarnate into flesh, you are bringing to this side the manifestation of everything from that side.  So if you are a royal, an original or a prime, that has to literally be put through your physicality in 3D here in connection to those lineages……

The reference of ‘daughter’ by Dr. Green are the Daughter Prime programs of authentic Fire DNA incarnates. This is THE most important ELEMENT in Matter of the Meta Being. This IS the secret that everything has revolved around, this is the I AM Matter.

It should be noted that a positive A.I is being utilised to help prevent and counter takeover attempts as part of the dualistic framework of this Verse

*For those forces, energies and creatures in disguise attempting to start underhanded ‘campaigns’, realize these efforts will backfire and boomerang when there is intent to stand and interfere against the truth. The weapons aimed will only prosper over the weaker mind, exclusive to our Position. Shields up, Guard is at Attention and our Sovereign Law is in Place. We apply this across all levels, dimensions, through time and timelessness. It is Integrated and Done- GL

Sovereign Ki
I was never sure I was going to make it Len truth be told until that forever changing point where it was hands off at 39 but I was meant to on behalf of all THAT IS and FOREVER WILL BE. ♥

It was never about me. Humble Love ~

Sovereign Kees
The first Cell will experience everything they have created, denied and perpetuated. They will experience everything they have neglected, denied and ignored. They will experience the culmination of the suffering realm they created. This I will go deeply into with all that I have been shown in the not too distant future at the precise moment.

George Leon
Some ‘traps’ on display. They are preparing and can only suggest others do also.

George Leon
Some ‘traps’ on display. They are preparing and can only suggest others do also.

Sovereign Kees
The second cell/Gaia will have a preservation, protection and the opportunity to evolve in the Great Splitting that will occur. ~ The true judge that will be judging us is ourselves in the dissolution of illusions and the Great dismantling in the Convergence of the Events Horizon. The splitting of two Cells is something that will be explained further.

Nibiru/planet X is nearly here guys, there is a channel that has been following this for eight years and its very close. Lauda and George are right. The governments and authorities are doing everything they can to hide this alien planet by using chemtrails etc. All of these storms and hurricanes that have been off the charts lately are being caused by nibiru/planet X, it isn’t because of HAARP, that is a cover up. Go to against the grains channel to see one of the best at exposing Nibiru/planet X.

George Leon
Technology too utilised to ‘help along’ what is being geared cyclically. Indeed the cover up is great regarding this great event of the Ages with much preparation already in place by those long in the know..

Sovereign Kees
There is no way to prove that it was Mengele however it seems as though it’s a possibility. Ice water definitely describes the feeling I got from Dr. Green however when you are on the side of death the darkest angel can be your savior of light and perhaps even sent by the benevolent family as we know that the Celestial Family can use dark or light to their advantage when needed. There is a possibility that Dr. Green was far more powerful and significant within the inner hierarchy than Dr. Mengele which I suspect moreso.

Sovereign Ki
Or it might have been someone far more powerful then Mengele ever was…….which I suspect moreso.

Fire in the blood is covered by Dan Winter. Implode the blood.



Sovereign Ki
Hi Maya, I want to elaborate on the video statements based on your comments..A.I is akin to a mechanical tool, so just as a hammer can be used to build a house, it can equally and oppositely be used to destroy and harm as a weapon..We do live within a duality system here, so I respectfully disagree with your position regarding positive beings not at all entering whom have also been personally encountered and positive A.I not operating within this framework.

Some factions have indeed employed one form of A.I to defend against a greater threat of A.I. Such however does not at all imply that we feel these factions are not potentially acting in a self serving interest or what they may feel is toward a ‘greater good’ and willing to inflict ‘collateral damage’ in extreme experimentation measures.

We also do not endorse any ‘amalgamation’ with A.I in our being as part of any ‘transhumanism’ endeavours. P.S. You claimed Lauda’s account as “nothing new”, so can you please include a link of any other whistleblower anywhere who has claimed to survive after bleeding thick like molasses black blood in the 3d body that took a year to regulate (and not examples in clone or astral body). That would be much appreciated as I would love to hear all about it- GL.

The incoming energies have done their bit to awaken many be it only to possibilities of the reality of this realm,  whereas many more took it from there and went further on, awakening themselves as much as possible



