Brooks Agnew : Earth is Two Planets – ONE HIGH ONE LOW FREQUENCY (THE SPLIT)






Published on 23 Feb 2016

Brooks Agnew grew up in California around JPL and Cal Tech. He received his bachelors in chemistry from Tennessee Technological University with honors. His favorite hobby is being the host of X-Squared Radio, exploring the mysteries of the universe and of the Earth each Sunday evening. He is a multi-patented engineer and currently the CEO of an automobile manufacturing company in Charlotte, North Carolina producing the nation’s first affordable electric pickup truck. (

(Show date: 02/15/16) In the latter half, electrical engineer Brooks Agnew spoke about his theory that the Earth is really two planets, one very high frequency, and one low frequency, occupying the same space. “It turns out what the ancients were trying to tell us is that Earth is actually made up of two planets– one 6,000 years old, and the other 4.5 billion years old. And these two Earths are of different energy states…in the scriptures, they’re called the Spirit Earth and a Temporal Earth,” he explained. When the two planets merged, it was a terrible cataclysm with a massive flood, and afterward, the races of both worlds merged together, he continued.

Agnew, who explores this theory in his new novel Bearth, said that just as people leave their body when they die, so it will happen with the planet Earth, and humans will have to choose which world they want to go with. He cited “signs and wonders” occurring, such as quakes in unlikely places indicating that we may be nearing the time when this split will take place. Agnew also shared an update on his business developing an electric pickup truck/fleet (EV-Fleet


