ALEXANDRA : Have you ever given it a thought of how it will be when all of this ends



Have you ever given it a thought of how it will be when all of this ends …..

And you wake up in a young body without any ailments, attachments, parasites ……

With your own mindset sans the bad memories that could have clouded your new existence,,,

They will have become a part of the CC Living Library of past everything that did not make the grade of the Original Intent of the New Now

And will be accessible to All who wish to perhaps re-visit their old experiences of living in a 3D reality…or for a quick reference, if needed, of past emotions which no longer serve the new reality of yours ….

Will we now be wiser…make better choices….

Will we now create with responsibility…and with Love…the main spark emotion…

Will we form relationships based on compatible energies of love and respect…

Will we honour others that will seem different in their choices to ours…..

Will we love…honour…and take care of nature this time around….and thank it every day for the wonders it will bring to our lives……

Will we love truly….without judgement and expectation…in mutual freedom….


Yes…we will…

Cause the New Existence is also waiting for Us to spread our wings….to let it blossom with us and for us……

To let us live out the Original Intent to the full….

So that when we look back at it one day…… will return to us the love received…..

Total bliss….

May it be so.


