VETERANS TODAY : Leo Wanta & the settlement deal involving 33 trillion dollars




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[Note: Thought this interview was a very important synopsis, so transcribed some of it for those who can’t listen it. The rest of the interview is important too, but my fingers gave out. (Please excuse any grammatical errors; English is not my forte.)].
And for those unfamiliar with Leo Wanta & the settlement deal involving 33 trillion dollars and certain U.S. Congressional reps who are “trying to shake Wanta down with a bribe” in order to secure billions for themselves



Re: VT Veterans Today Radio (10-22-14) Stew Webb, Gordon Duff, Jim Dean, Lee Wanta, Mike Harris:

Duff: In 1947 the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations sat down and refurbished American education from university level on, rewriting and recreating the history of the United States, fictionally, erasing everything prior to this, replacing it with…there are no discussions, no honest discussions of the nature of the Federal Reserve, where it came from and what that’s done to the U.S… how the history of the United States has been dominated by discussions, as with other… We’re the only nation in the world where central banks…every central bank is always owned by the same European black nobility families – a combination of the Rothschilds…

You don’t even want to know what these people believe; but they all believe that they’re descendants of Jesus Christ; they really believe this. They believe that they’re going to live forever. [not exactly sure what he means by this but…] These people are freaks. And they control most of the money in the world; they control every central bank in the world. And they have a basic belief system that they are there to bleed every nation in the world into poverty… [re all banking stuff here]. You never really understand what it’s all about – It’s about a group of crazy families that have been around for hundreds and hundreds of years that through central banks…

We can go right back to Napoleon at Waterloo: Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo; however, the first rider that made it back to London worked for the Rothschild family, and he reported to London that Napoleon won, that Wellington had been defeated. The stock markets crashed; the Rothschild family went in and bought half of Britain on a fire sale. The next day when the news came in, they owned the country. And no one could do anything because it was already done; once you have control of the money, control of the banks, you control the country. [Intersting old movie related to this: The House of Rothschild:


Now the same thing happened to not just Germany, all of Europe, but to [inaudible] in particular in 1919 this happened… this same group, we call it NATO. NATO has no reason to exist: there is no Eastern Block, there’s no real Communism anywhere. The biggest capitalist banksters in the world are the Chinese… they’re better at than we are by far…they’ve got all of our money… if we were so smart that wouldn’t be the case.

The only reason we have NATO – they are the enforcers for this same group of people; and Preston James will call them the Secret Shadow Government. They are the people that buy your members of Congress… they’re why you have someone that was a County Commissioner making $20,000 per year in a county somewhere that has 18 cattle and 3 people living in trailers out in Wyoming…and they’ll go into Congress and suddenly not only demand a retirement of $700,000 per year for life for two years of service, living off us! But when we go into the Wanta settlements, there is 33 trillion dollars real money being held in reserves that no one is told about. We can prove this inexorably! We have all of the documentation… The members of Congress have asked for 17 trillion dollars! And I’m saying this is enough money to buy everyone in China a new home, by American standards, and a new top end Mercedes Benz.

Barrett: Gordon, it’s also the official amount of the national deficit right now. You could pay it off, be done with it.

Duff: Oh my heavens, yes!

Barrett: That would put the banks out of business because no one would be paying them interest then. What would happen?

Duff: The amount of money Congress is asking for personally to be paid to each member of Congress – and this is on an average basis – is 31.774 billion dollars! This is as much money as Bill Gates has. Every member of congress is asking to made a multi, multi, multi billionaire simply because they’ve been sitting on money that President Reagan and Lee Wanta years ago, frankly through one of the greatest financial scams in history – this is why we love having Lee Wanta on -…

I was there working for the Reagan administration intelligence at that time, and I had…I was only seeing the remote edges of what Wanta was doing. Oh my heavens, we knew nothing about this! We had no idea… there were brilliant people taking down not just the Soviet Union – and this is a tough one sometimes reliving the idea of the Reagan administration but… – Reagan had put aside money to pay off the U.S. national debt; and according to [senate?] relations guarantee that the American people would be living in the equivalent of a paradise, that we would always be what we had intended to be, instead of debt-ridden, instead of our children living in… It’s not just your children in your basement, you’ve now got your children and your grandchildren there; it’s been going on for that long. You have children and grandchildren living in your home; I sure do. I know what it’s like.

Millions of families out there do.

How many of you out there have kids that have graduated from university and are making $8 an hour, where in Switzerland, a worker at McDonalds makes $24. an hour! The lowest pay of a waiter anywhere in the EU is $15. an hour; and they get tips, although less than here.

The lowest cost of living, anyone in the U.S. that is not making $15. per hour, is either starving or on some kind of public assistance. How can we raise decent children in this country when they’re all from broken families – and economics breaks families, the mortgage fraud breaks families, the war on terror forcing now two and a half million Americans were economically forced to go into the military (they’ve been poisoned, they’ve been abused, they’re dying right now at a rate of…it’s more than one very nine…it’s more than one very nine…it’s way over that; 80% of veterans under age of 40 go into… look at suicide; we’ve lost a quarter of a million veterans in ten years to suicide because they come home after deployment after deployment… and American is always the America it’s always been – the war is over [so] screw anyone that’s been in the military.)…

The Republican party just introduced another cut to military pay, another cut to veteran’s benefits disguised as a new way of formulating the cost of living! And they want to do this to… we’re not sure what they plan doing with the money…but no one cares because no one’s listening… Why can bills like this go through? The American Legion, VFW, DAV, they say nothing about it! Military and veteran’s facilities intended for housing and to use for veterans only, are sold off to wealthy developers, all with ties to organized crime (and that you’ll be able to find our lawsuits against the VA in Los Angeles, suits that we’ve won – and these will be in the articles that Robert Rose brought, the activist responsible for helping to shut down the VA mafia and land- theft consortium – and we’ll tell you, when we filed suit against the VA for partnering with organized crime, and failing to provide services to homeless veterans, the VA spent millions fighting us in court, fighting us in particular to guarantee that they can continue to have the right to fail to provide services that they’re obligated to provide!) [here he mentions Shinsheki(sp) ‘replaced by an insider’]…

But this degree of how much we rewrote history…we’re back to that theme. In 1947 we decided to rewrite history to create…all we needed to do was to give people something shiny to look at.. naked women running in circles with Nazi’s watching them, cutting their hair off, making their skin into lampshades, melting them down into soap and throwing them in the gas chambers… We had to make Hitler an unimaginable monstrosity… All we had to do was create the Soviet Union as the ‘monstrous thing it was’… Iran is the imaginary monstrous thing. Iran is the same thing…

And low and behold as time has gone on, who are the monsters now? All you have to do is turn on the TV is to understand – Israel and Gaza, and 570 kids dead, and UN schools bombed, refugee camps, firebombs, napalm, saw children burned with… we’ve all seen the photographs… Everyone wants to go out and hate Jews now for that, which I don’t advocate; it’s not the answer…

What I want to leave here… this attack on reality. Everything you think and believe has been… let me explain one thing about – the American people as victims of psychological warfare. Right now we’re looking at a series of, let’s say, ‘conspiracies’: …we’ve had one airliner simply disappear from the planet, just disappear, gone…; we had another one shot down… the Ukaraine is full of false-flag terrorism – they shot down a plane just to blame it on someone else, they brought snipers in to shoot down their own people in Kiev just to blame on someone else, in the middle of a ceasefire the Kiev hunta of crazed nationalist socialists left over from the second world war, are funded by organized crime oligarchs…I mean this government is a criminal conspiracy… But let’s step back here.

Over a period of years Oklahoma City… now we need to go back to Waco…we knew something was wrong in Waco. But Oklahoma City, we have proof that the IAEA declared that a nuclear attack. We have Dimitre Kolesov (sp), now a political prisoner in Thailand, bring us proof that there was involvement between the CIA, Mossad and the FBI. We have information within Able Danger that states the same thing about Oklahoma City, 9/11, Bali, that these were false-flag terror attacks using nuclear weapons, the Kobi (sp) Towers; the Beirut U.S. Marine bombing in 1983 was a small tactical nuclear weapon that obliterated… how do you obliterate a building with walls 6′ thick by setting off a truck bomb 100′ away and explosion will knock down the building adjacent rather than just blowing up in the air and knocking some windows out (as you saw in Oklahoma City Cobert (sp) Towers)?

We have Gabby Giffords (sp), a Congresswoman shot down in downtown Phoenix… you could walk to that police headquarters in 3 minutes from where she was, but police didn’t make it for 45 minutes! Homeland Security has rules that there either has to be an ambulance there, there have to be police there when any member of Congress or a federal Judge – and we had both there! – are at an event. And then this shooter… now let’s be very clear about this… the shooter was a member of… the U.S. Dept. of Defense Psychiatric Evaluations Program… since the shooter had an IQ of 60; he wasn’t allowed to join the army. The military has spent up to a million and a half dollars of psychiatric care and medication on the shooter, Gabby Gifford’s shooter, for 3 years in a program that we found was never legally funded; look all of this up… treated by army psychiatrists to make him available for enlistment? Do we really need this kind of people in our military? Is it worth a million and a half dollars? Did we create a mass murderer through a mind-control program? I think we did.

Let’s go to the Ford Hood shooting. An army psychiatrist… well he didn’t start as an army psychiatrist, he was an army medic first: they sent him to medical school, they paid for his psychiatric residency; and as Jim Dean will be able to tell you, when we looked into his background, we found that he worked for the Bush administration transition teams, we’ve found him sitting next to the Secretary of Defense at a meeting at George Washington University. And when we found that, when we published that, it took them about 5 minutes to get on the phone and beg us to take it off there.

And the idea that no kids died at Sandy Hook and that the school had closed in 2008 (?)… all of it seemed outlandish other than why did they tell…everything at Sandy Hook, no matter how skeptical I try to be… There are dozens and dozens of key issues that they simply can’t deny.

Here’s the issue with all of these conspiracies: 9/11, the WMD’s that never existed in Iraq, the double/tripple death of Osama bin Laden who died in 2001 and later had a Muslim funeral where they put a frozen body in the… there are no Muslim funerals like this. We knew he was dead! It was an Obama administration game!

All of this is a game.

The critical point we have to look at is, if one of these conspiracies is true, then they’re all true. And on these conspiracies, we have to look at them very carefully. If one of the holes that is punched in these things… [here Duff gives more examples and document proofs] but if any one of these things… [again Duff gives more examples] if the official version of any of them, if any single fact about them is false, then not only is the entire event false-flag terrorism, but it means that all of these other events are as well, and more still; not the other way around. Every spurious claim by a conspiracy theorist – and the government hires them to fill the internet to soften the real facts that get out – but if any one of these facts [inaudible], any one, the whole thing tumbles down. And we have a mosaic of hundreds and hundreds of major instances where the government has been caught utterly fabricating.”

