



Trinity, Neo, One

The trinity is universal, featured in all the main cultures,

spiritual, we see the same trinity within ourselves

as Body (Khat) Mind (Khu) and Spirit (soul) (Ka)


Tama-Re (Egyptian) Trinity
Osiris (Asaru) the Father, setting sun, the afterlife, gatekeeper, neither world
Aset (Isis) Mother, throne, creative power
Horus (Haru) son, rising sun, left and right eyes, falcon head, the well-known Tama-Re (Egyptian) eye is the eye (Wadjat or Udjat) of Horus.

Also, the three kings of Tama-Re(Egypt), also related to the 3 stars of the belt of SA.HU (Orion) which the 3 Tama-Re (Egyptian) Mir (Pyramids) are modelled after, the 3 stars also point to Osiris’ star Sibtu (Sirius)

Hindu Trinity
The one (God) is three gods, as universal forces of the universe, each aspect containing one another, each god also has it’s goddess consort (female aspect).

The Trimurti (sacred triad)
Brahma, creator of the universe, Saraswati (Sarasvati)
Vishnu, preserver of the universe, Lakshmi
Shiva, destroyer of the universe, Kali

The three gunas (fundamental attributes, modes of being)
Sattva – Purity (Essence)
Rajas – Activity
Tamas – Inertia

Sumerian Trinity
ANU, Supreme head
EN.QI, (Ea), ruler of Earth
EN.LIL, ruler of Skies or heaven
Number 3…
The Ankh, number 9 this number was considered as sacred in Tama-Re (Egypt) the key, Ankh means “Key of the Eternal” which will open the domain of all truths, you possess that key, the idea is that you have to open the door, our inner door is called E-anna means “Temple” the abode or Iy which means “coast” three realities governs the abode, the three points of a triangle(Mir) they are: four, the right knowledge six, the right wisdom and eight, the right understanding.

You have 5 odd numbers, 1, 3,5,7,9 and 4 even numbers, 2,4,6,8
4+5=9 again
The Nine Ball, the ball is the orb which is the circle and the circle is 360 degrees,
3+6=9 and the cipher is naught, and the 9 is aught, to become the first person single, the total being, called “I” for I is the 9th letter of the alphabet, 3 sets of 3 gives you 9.
One, 1) knowledge, 2) wisdom, 3) understanding
Two, 1) mental 2) spiritual 3) physical
Three, 1) the doer, 2) the knower, 3) the thinker

Man (means “Mind”) is a trium being, the number 1 and the letter I is one and the same, so the number 9 is expressed by 3times 3

The ancient people of Tama-Re (land of sun) Egypt believe there was no higher number above 9..
9 is important in understanding you from ancient times, behind the nine ball is the key, you have 9 Enneads (Greek for “Nine”) and 9 is 3×3..
Within this we have 9 principles that are:

1. Ka means your Spirt
2. Khu means mental/flail
3. Khat means your body

1. Ba means your soul
2. Khaybet means plasmic/plasma in you
3. Akh means Etheric/ double

1. Hati means your physical heart
2. Ab means the spiritual heart of you
3. Sekhem this is the spark of life (yours)

All of this was brought into the person as being twofold or double, the two points of existence,
1) Birth and 2) Death
1) Mind 2) Spirit 3) Body
1) Air 2) fire 3) Earth 4) Water
2+3+4=9 again

What does this mean, you need to know yourself if not you can be mastered, they can become your equal, thus the doorway to the nine principles of you are opened up, you need to master you..
These are stepping stones; the ancient people knew and followed these principles, each one of us is a Djed pillar. The ancient Tama-Re (Egyptians) had this understanding before any language, any books such as the Bible and the Qur’an, if you look closely, you find that the Egyptians gave birth to the Bible and the Qur’an, it had to because they(Egyptians) were here before the Romans, Greeks, Arabs, British, Nazi, who were all educated in their land..
We are etheric or spiritual beings, existed before gender, or the creation of men and women on this planet and in order of existence.
That’s what the key, Ankh means “Key of the Eternal” with that comes the right understanding, we also have the trinity.

EN.QI leaves Mesopotamia, EN.QI as chief scientist was sent to the AB.ZU (South Africa) as it was full of potential scientifically, Man had not been created at this time, but the research for his creation had begun, it is ANU who gives EN.QI permission.
Now EN.QI is so smart, I mean he is smart, a deep thinker, a mastermind, he is truly wise, architectural mind, this one being (along with others) is solely responsible for our (humans) existence.
The Earth (Tiwawaat, Ta, Ea, Tiamat) when they arrived, would not have been suitable for us let alone them, to the conditions that was presented to them back then.
The Earth was rebuilt over and over again, many trees, plants were brought here, waterways created, they launched teams of beings responsible for the development of seeding and growing life on this planet suitable for food and air, before us, before we became a concept.
Trees were growing or transported from other planets, insects were transported to balance to ecology, before we were a concept.
This planet became a ground for all types of being to survive, it was destroyed by several meteorite showers, then replenished over and over again, creation took place a period of six days, it was brought to a completion on the seventh day, when the time was right, just right, they landed and referred to their new home as Eridu, means “home from home” (in reference to their home planet, Rizq, just without their climate)
When then found it necessary to breed with a primitive creature that was already here, in order to become more adaptable to the environment, and this offspring, who they referred to as Lulu Amelu or Abd, could work the mines for them.

When you take the above into consideration, before Tama-Re was up and running, we see that a lot of thought went into creating the right conditions for us, animals, life, the three main cultures are then heavily influenced, ENQI, EN.LIL, NIN.TI, ANU, IN.ANNA who all played a role in setting up each of the cultures, traditions, and civilisations.
Not all worked the mines, and in time EN.QI found favour with us, NIN.TI showed compassion towards us, which is evident in the cultures that they all formed.
Africa replenishes the cultures over and over again, under EN.QI, EN.QI is Osiris.


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