



Harald mentioned that two Elderers (guardians) were incarnated here, but in an answer to a german question, he talks about 3 and he doesn’t do channeling, but contact them by skype.

New text from Harald about “Answers to some of your questions”. Read it on his page.

Harald Kautz-Vella

VIDEO : Public message to Cara St. Louis and other friends who believe I have been taken over


Answers to some of your questions

The Elderer agreed to answer us, Morlean and Harald, a number of questions that occurred after the publication of the posting “The Game of Free Will”. I would like to point out that the Elderer are in contact with all of you, even if this is not happening face to face within the physical plane like in our case. It is them, who open the realm of possibilities in a way that every one of us over and over again had the choice to take decisions from our hearts, unfettered by external influence and manipulation. Just as we all started this game with the same requirements, we all had throughout the game the same choices to listen to our hearts and our conscience, and to dissolve our egos.
However, at this point of the history the Elderer are not here to answer the open questions on mental level – even if these questions are comprehensible – they came to heal what needs to be healed. Basically everyone carries the absolute truth and all memories within his own heart, and there is no other place to find it. Knowledge cannot be transferred, the only thing that comes from outside is the triggering of a reference feeling for the truth we carry in ourselves, which occurs when the information we get is true. The labyrinth of our minds doesn’t matter at that point. It is of no concern how we reflect about the information we get, whether it sounds reasonable or illogical. The crucial thing when information is taken in, is the feeling of your heart.

1. This history of Atlantis, Lemuria, etc is similar to that of other sources and registers as believable with me, but I cannot help questioning the information about the two beings who had to incarnate again and again experiencing horrific suffering in order to (basically) redeem us. (I don’t question so much that that may have actually happened, but I wonder if it was really necessary.)

Yes, it was necessary. A being can only heal something, when this being experienced and felt the thing that needs to be healed. Especially when this is about traumata, detachments and trauma-signature of the alien black goo, it is necessary to experience all these infringements to be able to afterwards heal them. And this is what the Elderer did.
There are no true healers among humans on Earth yet. They all more or less successfully fight symptoms, whether it is by technological, medical or energetic means. All humans incarnated on Earth failed to overcome their egos! There is no healing possible out of the ego, because the ego itself is part of the detachment that blocks true and deep empathy, and empathy is the key to healing. This is why humans were not able to heal themselves anymore.

2. Wouldn’t it have been possible to stop the game before maturity to avoid all the suffering the crack of Atlantis caused?

To stop a game is not easily done within a running creation, it would have had enormous consequences. With the crack of Atlantis it was Gaia, our planet, that asked God for help, and it happened mainly out of love towards Gaia that the Elderer decided to keep the game running and heal the crack from within. The Elderer are directly inspired by God, and it is only him who takes the decisions how far games are played, because it is God who experiences himself through us. If they would have put an end to the game this would have meant to dissolve Gaia with all her inhabitants. Gaia was created by the people of the Elderer, and this act of creation took billions of years. It was the love they feel towards Gaia – to their pearl, this is how they call it – that motivated them to decide to continue with the game, and to undertake the healing from within. The healing of the crack of Atlantis is almost accomplished, and this healing took 16.000 years, which is rather quick in the cosmic context, and it also was quick facing the amount of healing that needed to be done and still needs to be done.

3. Did the Lemurian souls originate on Earth as higher dimensional beings who gradually became more physical?

Yes, the Lemurians came to Earth as ethereal beings and became more and more dense over the time. It has to be mentioned, that the term SOUL is misunderstood by most humans. Humans ARE NOT souls. They HAVE souls. The soul is the part that hoovers in-between the being and God, the part that is responsible to keep the interconnection between the being and God alive. Here, within the game of separation, the soul hardly had any access to the human beings, which lead to the circumstances that humans forgot who God is.

4. Do the souls of the Jews who destroyed their own planet always incarnate on Earth in Jewish bodies or do they incarnate as other races as well?

The Earth is the only planet they are allowed to incarnate on, and they always incarnate as Jews. We have to state at that point that it is a big honor for a being to be allowed to incarnate on a planet. There are many examinations to be passed before a being is allowed to incarnate. Due to the crack of Atlantis it was possible that beings incarnated on Earth that within the heavenly order would not have had the maturity to incarnate at all.

5. Were Jesus, Mary, etc. Jewish souls, and if not, why did they incarnate in israel as Jews (or is that disinfo?)

All stories about Jesus and his parents have been heavily distorted by the Archons and their servants. Jesus is the son of the two Elderer we are in contact with, and he also is incarnated at the moment and is currently two years old. He hasn’t been Jewish back then and did never incarnate in Israel. The entire history of Jesus did not take place where it is believed to have happened today. We will not display more information about this issue at this point.

6. Can you explain please how the Archons were “taken out of the game”? It seems that it would take a tremendous amount of power to be accomplished, and if that is possible to do, why was it not done before they were able to do so much harm? Is their will also being affected? Will they be unable to harm others now, and that if so, will that be permanent or temporary?

To capture the Archons was extremely difficult, because initially they had gathered a high number of black magicians and other beings they could hide behind. It took a long time until the Elderer could get hold of them because they didn’t only break the laws of God, they perverted them to a degree, that every step against the Archons immediately caused tremendous suffering to other beings, especially children, as well as pain within the collective fields. Therefore the Elderer – although they had spotted and exposed the Archons as the cause of the dilemma – needed to dissolve all these cruel manipulative installations on ethereal level from within first, to the point where the Archons had no measures left and could be captured. The Archons are far from being as big as misleadingly believed. In reality the dark, apparently powerful force in the shadows was a bunch of half grown Angels that rebelled against God. Admittedly they had a distinct talent to create big illusions and phantasms, by which they attained great power. In reality they look like teenage angels with small wings. Due to their haughtiness and ignorance these fallen angels went completely mad. They got lost in this madness mainly because they killed every feeling and empathy within themselves. The Archons were brought back into the source i.e. within God by the Elderer, where they are lead out of their madness and the separation they had been fallen in.
The beings known as Arc Angels actually are these Archons, as well as all the ascended masters, all Indian Gods, and all Egyptian Gods in reality were these Archons and other astral beings under their influence. The entire New Age movement was intentionally installed by the Archons and their servants, because they knew humanity would awake. New Age was about to become the new world religion.

7. What about the Reptilians? Do they have “guardians” or “Elderer” too, who can render them harmless as well?

The reptilians were archonic delusions. In the course of history the Archons manipulated the humans to work on genetic experimentation with humans. The beginnings of these experiments can be found in Egypt where they combined animal and human genes. In reality these hybrid forms which were masqueraded as “Gods” in the Egyptian mythology were genetic experiments. On one hand they were meant to help to manipulate the humans, on the other hand these were attempts to create bodies the Archons could physically access. However these hybrid bodies were not viable for long and had a very short lifetime. Finally the Archons found a way of genetic manipulation through which the bodies were of higher endurance. These beings are known as the illuminati bloodlines. From then on it became possible for the Archons to dock onto these bodies for a while and finally take them over. In this process the being who actually inhabits the body is forced to leave it. This is done by cruel (early childhood) torture and other methods. When the archons are not docked on, these bodies are like empty shells because the being who actually inhabits the body doesn’t want to step back completely into it out of traumatization. This is why it was easy for the Archons to inhabit such a body over a longer period of time. The reptilian appearance was basically a delusion created by the Archons inhabiting these bodies. With the end of the game all beings will be healed.

8. Assuming that the Elderers themselves will not be able to clean up all the mess, who will be the ones who will take care of the mess we have made, and how will they do it? Will it be the Starseeds who are incarnating here now, and if so, will they be using technology, and where will the technology come from?


The Elderer have the knowledge how to create planets, how to create ecosystems and how to create living beings. The way how the Elderer heal is beyond the technology we know as humans. We, Morlean and Harald, have experienced first-hand what abilities they have. Thus recently they’ve within a few minutes healed old traumata and detachments that dated back several millennia, while we were enabled to observe, feel and realize what they were doing. Also we could experience how they work on the morphogenetic fields and the changes could be felt immediately.
Humans, no matter from which planet they come from, don’t have the resources that are needed here to let real and complete healing happen. There is no higher order of created beings then the Elderer. The abilities of the Elderer are far beyond what humans are able to imagine and the misery and destruction on this planet has reached a dimension that it needs the Elderer’s abilities to their full extend in order to repair what needs to be repaired.

9. Will humans be able to enlist to help? Once the damage has been repaired, will humans be capable of and be allowed to live without the overlordship of other beings? How long will it take to restore health and balance to Earth?

It was a significant test for the humans, who are the youngest race of the creation, where they could show if they were ready to take care of a planet on their own. They have not passed this examination. On the contrary, we humans completely failed because we completely lost ourselves in our egos. Thus it will take some time until we won’t need the help of the guardians anymore. The big difference however is that these true guardians, the Elderer, are not dominating us but are leading us gently and lovingly, and this leadership is necessary. What many humans internally don’t want to accept and acknowledge is that there is something standing above them. This is the same disdainfulness that led to the fall from paradise and made the traumatic crack of Atlantis happen! Thus being grateful and humble is what we humans are lacking most for realizing how deep we fell and what we have done to ourselves and others, especially to Gaia. How long the healing process will take is not predictable, as here on Earth everything has completely run out of the rudder and there is very much to heal.

