


Thank you Ally and Judy Cress MOTHER EARTH LOVE VIBE
Rose’s update –sorry I can’t post the pictues she shows–here is the message–
Ally Milligan
Rose Update Thursday March 24 2016 11:13 PM CST
We’ve been seeing multiple explosions, just ‘off’ cam. These are enemy vahs, and the M system ending. According to one recent report, the 9 were “ended”. I question the term, ended. I’m not sure. There was talk, that they were being ‘un’ made. Not the pit for eternity, but a complete end. So the story, I’m sure, will be told at some point, but that is all I have on that subject at the moment.
The pieces of the gears, and other parts, are breaking off. This is the damage done. If you look, at the blacked out areas, this is the sun off in spots.If you look at the blue secchi images, you can play the movie and see the fire, in the gear systems, shifting and flaring. Some are speculating on a hologram sun, with hexagon. All I can say, is we do have holograms, so who can say, whether or not we have a second sun, that is a hologram in our sky? I really havent asked.
We are hearing more about the shut down. The closer to the exit, the more things are shutting down.
Thanks for the spectacular pics!
I was asked to say more on the White Out. rofl, what can I say, that hasn’t been said? Its ‘white’!
The energy is still streaming in, and still wiping the enemy’s from earth, and their teck from our bodies. Anything left, that is attached, gets shed at the eye.
Ally • 28 mins
She’s testing out the flags, and the protocols for the emit are on, and it appears all is well.
People are asking whats the wait, are we stalled? Answer is no, we are not stalled. I know many of us are dealing with extreme hits, daily. Be aware, its not just you, that is getting hit. You are not alone. This is going to be finished, in a way that is absolute, I believe. They are not letting any of these people get away with it. No escape. Thats the law.
The last word from dad, is be patient. All I can say, is she does have the flags showing. Thats a good sign of how close we are.
Ally • 27 mins
This makes so much sense–been under constant attack for some time now! Especially, at night..

