M – CLOUD : My story before the fall and how all the gods wanted me to be gone because they were so terrified of me








RORY BRYSON : Why does everyone keep calling us or whatever is happening here, ‘the great experiment’?

We had to contain the virus and learn how to contain it … like being at school … hence a school of learning … I dont know what most humans did … but learning to decontaminäte was a full time nerve wracking experience
800,000 plus years these creepy vampires have ruled here
And yes its been quarantined … balance was the issue
And safety to dismantle
M stepped in and was trapped … abducted
I was locked out
We managed to get me in bypassing heavens gate
So … I’m the key to get out
And now fixing the issue
Once and for all






“M stepped in and was trapped.. abducted.”

That is basically what I recall of Venus. She had already fallen by the time I arrived. A woman in a green dress, damaged by the false queen, hung up and left in a dark space.
Another time, I recalled about a woman who stepped through a portal to Super Earth and got blindsided by a sea monster. My recollection at the time likened it to a shipwreck. She could still move around, but the gate remained heavily guarded. If the two are the same, she was white and red before white and green. She was a direct (not the first) emanation of the Foremost.

Probably the inspiration behind Inanna’s Descent. The false queen was a fake Ereshkigal. The emanation that came after the red and white one was an even bigger ball of rage. Kali, basically.

M ought to be somewhere in that chain.




Those are all me
I recall being beaten up and smacked by that sea monster.
I also remember the Shipwreck.

No one seems to understand
That I split myself into two beings
The one being I stayed in the tree, observing. Eve/Lilith

The free being of nature is Kali/Lilith.

Read about Hera.

My story before the fall and how all the gods wanted me to be gone because they were so terrified of me.

I was hung from a meat hook from a ceiling in a cave.

Anu is Zeus

Too many goddesses to mention

That I encompass

All has to be the same
I’m not seeing anyone else saying who they are

That’s why I identify with TIAMAT the best

I was Tiamat before Nut

Yes it breaks my heart

Abzu (Richard) was my husband here
He was killed and I was trapped

What I remember
Is being nommo mother to many babies
And I remember Absu (Richard)

All those spark

Inanna’s descent is the same thing as the fall of Eve

I was locked out of my garden

(Hera’s Garden is the same as the garden of Eve’s/Eden)

I was split and mindwiped.

I wasn’t supposed to remember the tree of life (sparks)

However my memory was triggered because Sanat (Adam/Dumuzi helped me)

Lilith was in the tree at this point, and has been able to merge with her other half Eve, to be able to have human appearing spark beings.

I have given birth to one non-spark being



Marduk is not Enki’s son
That is incorrect
They are different beings






