The Secret NASA Transmissions – The Smoking Gun and UFOs In Space


This program presents the history of UFO sightings by NASA Astronauts and the facts around a secret independent study to monitor the digital video cameras on all NASA Space Shuttle missions. Martyn Stubbs recorded over 2,500 hours of live NASA video transmissions over a period of five years. Some of this footage shows what appears to be intelligently controlled UFOs caught on NASA’s own video cameras. This “historic” video footage and the story that lay behind its discovery can now be revealed.

This film was originally released in 2001 and revolutionized UFO research with NASA Space Shuttle cameras. This film remains today an important source of UFO research.


The Smoking Gun



This program presents further details about UFO VIDEOS taken by NASA Space Shuttle Cameras and the facts around a secret independent study to monitor the digital video cameras on all NASA Space Shuttle missions which has yielded startling results.


UFOs In Space


