DR VANDANA SHIVA : Nature and ecosystems self-regulate – a breathing holistic organism – Wolves Change Rivers – Whales Change Climate




Every living species on this planet has a role in keeping her alive.
Humans try to control nature, they dominate and abuse her.
We are part of nature.
And should respect her as she respects us.

How Wolves Change Rivers

How Whales Change Climate

Dr Vandana Shiva – Solutions to the food and ecological crisis facing us today.
“Over the years, freedom of people have been reduced to a very shallow form of democracy.

Going out to vote once in five years or four years depending on your electoral process, not being able to hold those you voted accountable.

Once they gotten part, they do exactly as they pleased, as if the only role of people in the democracy is as vote bank.

That is not democracy, because decisions made by unaccountable leaders are pushing countries to war, destroying the planet with climate change, creating new corporate regimes that are destroying the fundamental freedom of people whether it’s the right to live on the land, the right to save your seeds, the right to have safe food.”
Dr Shiva Vandana is a philosopher, environmental activist, eco feminist and author of several books. Dr Shiva, currently based in Delhi, is author of over 300 papers in leading scientific and technical journals and participated in the non-violent Chipko movement during the 1970s. The movement, some of whose main participants were women, adopted the approach of forming human circles around trees to prevent their felling. She is one of the leaders of the International Forum on Globalization and a figure of the global solidarity movement known as the alter-globalization movement.

Dr Shiva has fought for changes in the practice and paradigms of agriculture and food. Intellectual property rights, biodiversity, biotechnology, bioethics, genetic engineering are among the fields where Dr Shiva has contributed intellectually and through activist campaigns. She has assisted grassroots organizations of the Green movement in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Ireland, Switzerland, and Austria including campaigns against genetic engineering. In 1982, she founded the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology, which led to the creation of Navdanya. Her book, “Staying Alive” helped redefine perceptions of third world women.
